Friday, July 13, 2012

Hip Hop Flip Flop Collection


So I have been submitting surface designs to various manufacturers. This collection was created specifically for Sandalista, makers of fine flip flops. They did give me some positive feedback but needed to see more before they would be interested in committing. So then I took a few of those designs (above) and submitted them to Tigerprint (a division of Hallmark Cards) for a gift wrap product competition. Again, I heard thanks— but no thanks! I have to say I really do not mind rejection. Well, I know it's only been a few times, so far, but I am just getting my feet wet in this industry. And the more I move forward the more I learn. So every time someone says no, I see an opportunity to take a look at what they DID like and what rises to the top. I know I have a lot to learn, but I am OK with that. That is the fun part for me. See the entire collection in the studio here.

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